13 Dec 2009

December 12

I'm never tired anymore. *Knocks on wood* The last ten days or so I've been going to bed between 3 and 5am and waking up at a reasonable time, bursting with energy. There was a time a few weeks ago where simple things like eating a sandwich made me lethargic, so nay complaints.
Didn't do much today, slothful Saturday. I attempted to pack a little bit for going home, just to see what would fit. So far so bad...at the moment it's two parts clothing, one part bag. A plate has mysteriously gone missing from my cupboard and seemingly the flat. I checked everywhere (ghost!), which relates to the suitcase situation; two part bowl, one part plate. Gahhh.
Later on, Louise, Edelina and me went over to Helen's flat for dinner, all very lovely and festive. It all tasted so good, lots of salad, veg, potato, a full chicken(!), gravy, a spicy sausage thing for starters and dessert. It was all M&S stuff. M&S, I love you.
Post feast, we watched Almost Famous, all snuggled up around the screen. Billy Crudup, you are a total babe. Zooey Deschanel, you are too cute. Stillwater, you are the best fictional band.

♥ ♥ ♥

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