8 Dec 2009

December 8
Things I have learned so far today.

1.) Some people are weird about saying hello on the street. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. They are either blind, have developed chronic amnesia, or have come down with acute 'You're not cool when I'm with company!' syndrome.

2.) My skin is dry. Must drink more water and consume less discounted yellow-pack biscuits. So cheap. So tasty. Or change skincare routine.

3.) My last wisdom tooth is happening. Dear Devil Tooth, your emergence should be a slow and graceful process, like all other elements of nature. You are my enemy now, but I'll keep you close. You'll come in handy when crusty bread and peanut slabs are on the cards.

4.) The hob is still stained with egg white from my culinary escapade that took place some weeks ago. I fear it may be permanent.

5.) It is almost impossible to contact Play.com during the Christmas season. 'You are currently in a queue and we have given you query ticket number 5812357.' I really hope they're not on customer 10 right now. Or 11.

On a lighter note,

6.) Someone from maintenance came (after four abrupt emails) and fixed the smashed lock on our postbox. I was just looking out for my neighbours. My Our special Christmas packages were at risk. Crisis averted.

Only ten days left and I'll be home for Christmas!

♥ ♥ ♥

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